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230V Led Flasher Circuit using DIAC

This is a very simple LED flasher circuit diagram that is powered from AC 230V mains. This Flasher can be used as a power indicator for the AC 230V mains supply. This circuit is made with few numbers of parts namely, a LED, two Resistors, one Capacitor, one Diode and one DIAC.  The DIAC act the main role to flashing the LED. DIAC is a bidirectional device. It conducts current only after its breakover voltage has been reached its threshold. Most DIAC's break-over voltage is around 30 V.

230V Mains Power Indicator LED Flasher Circuit Diagram

230V Led Flasher
Fig: Circuit Diagram of 230V Led Flasher

When mains is connect to the circuit, the Capacitor(C1) starts charging through Diode(D1) and Resistor(R1). When the voltage on the capacitor reached the DIAC’s threshold voltage, the DIAC get turn on. And LED gets Lights(flash). At the same time Capacitor(C1) goes discharges and breakover voltage of DIAC also decrease and LED turns OFF. The on off time of the LED depends on the value of Capacitor(C1)  and Resistor(R1).
Note that the flashing time of the LED shown in the animating figure is not the exact timing of ON/OFF.
230V Led Flasher Circuit using DIAC 230V Led Flasher Circuit  using DIAC Reviewed by Shuvojit Das on 3:21 AM Rating: 5

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