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10W Audio Amplifier Circuit by TDA2030

The amplifier circuit by ic TDA2030 described here is an powerful audio amplifier with output power of 10W. TDA2030 is a monolithic IC, used as a low frequency class AB Amplifier. It has high output current and very low distortion. This 10W audio amplifier using TDA2030 is good for home/ small room.

Circuit Diagram of '10W amplifier circuit using IC TDA2030' with power supply.

tda2030 amplifier circuit
Fig-1: Circuit Diagram of 10W audio amplifier

TDA2030 Pin Diagram:

TDA2030 Pinout
Fig-2: TDA2030-Pinout/Pin-diagram

Circuit Description:

TX is a Center taped step down Transformer (230V,50Hz; 12-0-12,3A). For bridge rectifier use Diode 1N5408, 1N5407 etc. Use 10KΩ to 100KΩ as R3. VR 100K is a POT/Variable Resistor to control sound level. Capacitor C1,C2,C3,C4 is used as filter capacitor to reduce the ripple factor(AC element in DC). If ripple factor is high in supplied DC voltage of an amplifier, then output audio signal of that amplifier will be noisy. Remember that high ripple factor is responsible for high noise.
The main attraction of an audio amplifier is its high output power and very low noise. For this requirement, this 10W audio amplifier circuit using this IC-TDA2030 is very good within low cost.

Parts List

Parts Value Name
C3 2200µF,25v CAPACITOR
C4 2200µF,25v CAPACITOR
D1-D4 1N5408 DIODE
Tx 230v / 12v-0-12v 3A center tap transformer  Transformer (Center Tap Secondary)
U1 TDA 2030 IC


  • Use transformer with (12-0-12,3A) output voltage.
  • Don’t use higher than 2200Hz,25V capacitor as C3,C4. That may damage the IC.
  • Must use Heat Sink with the IC-TDA2030. Without proper Heat Sink the IC will be in risk of fry up
  • Don’t use smaller than 1N54XX diode like 1N40XX, 1N40XX(ex:1N4001) may get damaged. We recommend to use four 1N5408 for bridge rectifier.
  • All ground point in the circuit should be connected in a single point and ground it(If possible) or connect in transformers ''0'' marked wire as shown in the circuit.

If there is anything un-cleared in this amplifier project then please ask it in comments section.
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10W Audio Amplifier Circuit by TDA2030 10W Audio Amplifier Circuit by TDA2030 Reviewed by Shuvojit Das on 10:56 AM Rating: 5


  1. I like it..
    do you have highier wattage than this.
    butt still 12 volts..
    best regards..

  2. Replies
    1. To control sound you have to adjust the R value of VR(100K) showed in the circuit.
      Thanks for your comment. stay with us.


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