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Ceiling fan wiring diagram - with capacitor connection

Simple Wiring diagram of ceiling fan

ceiling fan wiring diagram
Fig-1:  Ceiling fan wiring diagram

This is a simple illustrated circuit diagram of ceiling fan. To be noted that the wiring diagram is for AC 220V single phase line with single phase ceiling fan motor. Here a simple SPST switch is used to supply power or not to the fan motor and a Regulator is used to controlling the fan speed. Though it is very simple, but one thing to be noted that Switch and Regulator should be connected with the phase line of main power, not neutral.

Capacitor connection diagram of ceiling fan

Ceiling fan has a “capacitor start motor” in its inside. AC single phase capacitor start motor has two winding; one is starting winding and another is running winding.

ceiling fan capacitor wiring diagram
Fig-2:  Ceiling fan capacitor connection diagram

As it is a capacitor start-capacitor run type motor; there a capacitor is used in series with Starting Winding, It defines the direction of rotation. It is an electrolytic capacitor.

Sometimes you may have faced this type of question...

  1. Why ceiling fan rotating in reverse?
  2. What makes a ceiling fan run backwards?
Two of this question sounds the same; the answer of the both question is “If capacitor is connected with running winding/main coil instead of starting winding/auxiliary coil then the direction of rotation will changed. That’s mean if you want to change the direction of rotation of the fan, just connect the capacitor with other winding.
Ceiling fan wiring diagram - with capacitor connection Ceiling fan wiring diagram - with capacitor connection Reviewed by Shuvojit Das on 11:34 PM Rating: 5


  1. One of the fans continue to run at high speed. Regulator has no effect. I checked the regulator with another fan and found it working perfectly. Both fans have 2.5 microfarad cap. What could be wrong !!!

    1. Check your connection. It is due to wrong connection of the regulator/resistor.

  2. Part of running winding may be short circuited

    1. how do we connect the capacitor with runnung winding .only the capacitor is connected with stating winding

  3. Great discussion....I have a cheap commercial fan with no reverse switch...I moved the cap to the other winding, and indeed it does runs at about 1/4 the "forward" speed. Curious if that means that the starting winding is made different than the running winding?

  4. My fan's speed is low. I bypassed the regulator but with no effect. I tried by changing the capacitor as well,no luck.Regulator can be adjusted but getting slow speed only.Get me some tips pls.

  5. Yea problem will be with windings

  6. Why connect to capacitor in celing fan???

  7. your capacitor may had damaged and if your capacitor is good then its the starting winding of your fan which is causing problem....this type of problem is common in ceiling fans ....solution is first check your capacitor n if it didnt worked then change the fan...


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